Twisted Tales

TWISTED TALES; the princess and the pea

I have nothing to say but that they would make a gorgeous couple on screen, they are both stunning and I love them. Don’t mind my gushing please.

Twisted Tales is a series of photosets depicting POC fancasts of fairytales that are traditionally cast as not-POC.

The Princess And The Pea

Grace Park as the Princess
Kunal Kapoor as the Prince

They could see she was a real Princess and no question about it, now that she had felt one pea all the way through twenty mattresses and twenty more feather beds. Nobody but a Princess could be so delicate. So the Prince made haste to marry her, because he knew he had found a real Princess.


I’m Ara, a Southeast Asian writer who someday hopes to have published a novel, and who is currently losing herself in the worlds created by others. I love books and food and television and blogging and I get distracted and sidetracked easily.

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